Digital marketing seems pretty straightforward, right? You build a website, start email marketing and spend as much time promoting your brand on social media as possible. Think again! Unless you have a very clear strategy with very clear goals, it is easy to make tragic mistakes when it comes to digital marketing and your brand’s online reputation. Here are a few common mistakes that you definitely want to avoid at all costs:

  • Neglecting Mobile Users

Nowadays, the majority of Google searches are conducted using a mobile device, like a smartphone or a tablet. Never mind the new algorithm updates that seem to penalize websites and their rankings if they have not optimized for mobile. Basically, if you have not made sure that your website is responsive and accommodating to all methods of browsing, you are losing out on a lot of business, and you can be sure that it is one of the main reasons why you can’t seem to make that top spot on Google.

  • Not Using Content Marketing To Your Advantage

From blogs to videos, digital marketing is all about content: creating content, sharing content, engaging with content. If you are not doing any of this, you can be sure that you are not reaping the maximum rewards of your online marketing efforts.

  • Targeting Blindly

Digital marketing can be a relatively affordable exercise if you know who you are targeting. With so many tools that allow you to target your audience incredibly specifically, from age and gender to online behaviour and interests, you can achieve incredible results with the minimum budget if you use these tools correctly and do proper research into who your customer really is. Not only will this knowledge help you in the realm of digital marketing, but it will also help you with every other aspect of your business too.

If you are looking for expert assistance when it comes to digital marketing, small business marketing, email marketing, SEO and social media marketing, look no further than the Digital Marketing People. Contact us today to learn more.